postmaster@sandow.asia (86) 532- 80980921

Sodium nitrate 99.3%

Chinese name:Sodium nitrate
Foreign name:Sodiumnitrate
Alias:Chilean saltpeter
CAS NO.:7631-99-4
Chemical formula:NaNO3
Relative molecular mass:84.99
Class of chemicals:Inorganic salt
Type of regulation:Sodium nitrate (*) (easy to explode)
Store:Sealed dry storage

1.Sodium nitrate is the raw material for the manufacture of potassium nitrate, mine explosive, picric acid, dye and so on. Nitrating agent for making dye intermediates.
2.Glass industry used for the production of various glass and its products defoaming agent, decolorizing agent, clarifying agent and oxidation flux.
3.The enamel industry is used as oxidant and flux in the preparation of enamel powder. Mechanical industry used as metal cleaning agent, also used to prepare black metal bluing agent.


(86) 532- 80980921


KENNY ZHANG 179063219

SARA YI 2661434646
