postmaster@sandow.asia (86) 532- 80980921

Sodium Alginate

Chinese name:Sodium alginate
English name:Sodium alginate (commonly shortened to SA or NaAlg)
Nickname:Algin; Sodium alginate, etc
Chemical formula:(C6H7NaO6)x
Molecular weight:216.12303 (Sugar unit)
CAS login number:9005-38-3
Boiling point:495.2°C at 760 mmHg

1. Mainly used as food stabilizer, thickener and gel forming agent. As a food additive, it can improve the structure and quality of food. At the same time, it has the effect of reducing the cholesterol content in the body, dredging blood vessels, reducing blood viscosity and softening blood vessels. Because of its excellent film formation, it can be used as edible film in food packaging.
2. Used as emulsifying stabilizer and thickening agent, Chinese regulations can be used for all kinds of food, according to the production needs of appropriate use.
3. Widely used in food, adhesives, medicine, cosmetics, textile, paper, coatings and other industries.


(86) 532- 80980921


KENNY ZHANG 179063219

SARA YI 2661434646
